subota, 22. svibnja 2021.

Israel and the USA will destroy all Arab countries

 As we all expected, Joe Biden did not in any way condemn Israel for the mass killing of Palestinian civilians, which was again clear evidence that the United States has been actively involved in ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians from the beginning. The general opinion in the USA is that Palestinians have no right to live and that they must accept that Israel is killing and destroying them. This is another proof of how hypocritical and evil people Americans are, and they should not be trusted or considered friends or allies. They are like Jews murderers, robbers and war criminals.

Also, if Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey and other treacherous countries think that the USA will one day not treat them like this then they are really living in illusions. It is not clear to them that the USA, like Israel, hates them equally and that it only exploits them for its own interests. It is time for all the treacherous Muslim countries to withdraw the recognition of Israel, and for Saudi, Qatar and Bahrain to expel the Americans from their territories, because they really have nothing to do there. It is also time for Turkey to leave NATO, because it has never had a place there. Finally, the right moment has come for Arabs and Turks, like Iran, to understand that neither the EU nor the USA loves them and does not consider them friends but a future military target.

Iran certainly needs to become a nuclear power, not only for its own sake, but also for the security of the entire Middle East. As long as the area is militarily weak, it will be hit by the USA and the EU. And they are no friends to anyone in the Middle East except Israel. In fact, I’m pretty sure most of Europe doesn’t like Israel and Jews either, but everyone is acting for Washington. The problem has always been in the military impotence of the EU, which the USA has been systematically weakening for decades, in order to be subject to it. Because of all that has been said, Iran must become, together with Pakistan, the leading military and nuclear power that will protect all peoples in the Middle East. The lying and mentally disturbed Trump did a great service to Iran when he withdrew from the nuclear agreement and now Iran needs to get out of everything completely, even from the International Atomic Energy Agency. No one should trust Europe or the USA, nor have any agreements with them. The Arabs and the Iranians must finally unite for their survival and future.

The time when they could get tired of stupid quarrels and bidding is over. Israel and the USA are beasts that are increasingly bloodthirsty and will soon embark on a great sowing of death across the Middle East killing everyone in front of them. Arab peoples, be aware that today you are watching the genocide in Gaza and Palestine on television and the Internet, while tomorrow you will have that evil in your backyard. You are very naive if you think this will not happen to you. It will, it's only a matter of time.

There is a good saying in Bosnia that says, "You will never get a new friend from an old enemy."


 Na inauguraciji novog zapravo starog, doslovno starog, predsjednika USA desio se nesvakidašnji i svakako neočekivani događaj: glavnog klaun...